Celebrate World Day for Culture Diversity!

Kaleia Zambrano
3 min readJun 29, 2023
All hands in for World Day for Culture Diversity

World Day for Culture Diversity is more than you would think off the top of your head. Of course, it is a day to celebrate cultures all around the world, but highlights the hopes of sustainable development and intercultural dialogue. The use of intercultural dialogue would be used in the hopes to create peace among cultures to stop conflicts. World Day for Culture Diversity began on May 21, 2002 and has been celebrated every year since by United Nation States. Lead by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) this celebration has brought much knowledge and purpose to continue pursing these goals, for the bettering of all present and future.

May 21ˢᵗ, truly is a special day. People scanning from across the globe, to just right next to you become close like never before. Going out and celebrating this cause brings us all closer to true world peace. Imagine a world where there was no war just harmony and unity, that is a goal that is strived for. The origin and purpose of this event created by the United Nations was to support sustainable systems of governance for culture, achieve a balanced flow of cultural goods and services and increase mobility of artists and cultural professionals, integrate culture in sustainable development frameworks, and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms. For these reasons everyone should go out and celebrate this beautiful day.

Anyone and Everyone

Celebrating World Day for Cultural Diversity is very easy and fun, many places hold concerts, educational seminars, workshops, and even exhibitions. There is something for everyone when it comes to this celebration as it is for everyone. Some other ways to observe this holiday would be to volunteer with an organization working for diversity and inclusion, play a sport related to a different culture, learn about traditional celebrations from other cultures, or even to watch an international film. All these activities truly allow for you to understand what we are trying to celebrate and expose to the world. We want people to see they can come together and bond, even with the slightest similarities.

Why we celebrate World Day for Cultural Diversity

To celebrate, some events virtually events include a Diverse Women in Cinema Class, an Asian Dance Class, and a Sign Language Workshop just to name a few. All these classes allow you to immerse yourself into a different culture, language, and group of people. The classes really allow you to connect and get involved, whether it be World Day for Cultural Awareness or a regular Monday. These are just a few of the many events that you can attend, if you can attend something in your city or neighborhood that is in person I would recommend that as well. It can be anything from a movie to a yoga class. Get involved, grow in knowledge, celebrate, and pass the message to others. It is very important for us to continue down this peaceful path and unite with others.

Each day I believe we grow closer to both extremes, one being war, and the other peace. With each growing day we learn to love or hate, and depending on where you set your energy, you will follow towards it. Now days like World Day for Cultural Diversity truly bring people together to show all the love they can for themselves and each other. It really is important to go out and celebrate events like this even if its in the simplest of forms, like researching a new culture. I only grow more excited to see how big and widespread this event can be, hopefully one day celebrated by all countries of the world. We have a long way to go but each and every person who joins in on the celebrations only makes the cause even better. Cheers to World Day for Culture Diversity and celebrating you, me, and all of us!

It only makes us better



Kaleia Zambrano

Hey! My name is Kaleia, ready to explore the best and most unique places in Miami? I'm your girl, keep up with me for the insider secrets.